Regiment Restaurant located at historic villa surprises with captivating, stylish interior and informal atmosphere, as well as excellent service with exceptional dishes.
Święto Zakochanych to doskonały moment, by podarować sobie wspólne chwile. Zapraszamy na walentynkową kolację, gdzie czeka na Was wyjątkowe menu, intymna atmosfera i elegancki wystrój, które stworzą idealną oprawę tego szczególnego wieczoru.
If you have already visited the Regiment Restaurant, you will certainly be interested in the take-away offer. Only now you can taste the cuisine of the Regiment Restaurant.
Our restaurant is an ideal place for meetings, business dinners or smaller family parties. An appetizing menu, high-quality service and a great arrangement of our restaurant will ensure an excellent atmosphere. Atmospheric and elegant thresholds of the Regiment Restaurant are open.
We invite you to purchase a Voucher to be used in the Regiment Restaurant for dishes from the menu, drinks and alcohol. The voucher is an ideal and universal gift idea and spending time in the atmospheric interiors of our restaurant.
Once a lonely nineteenth-century villa, today the Regiment Restaurant in Białystok - part of Hotel Traugutta 3 ****. The villa is teeming with new life thanks to its guests and professional service at the highest level. Today it is a place full of flavors and aesthetic values. Chef Tomasz Siwkowski invites you to try the expressive flavors of the menu below.